17 January 2025
“If we make every effort to avoid death of the body, still more it should be our endeavor to avoid death of the soul.” - Anthony (251-356), Hermit in Egypt
Anthony was born in Upper Egypt to a wealthy family. As a young man, he encountered the words of Jesus, “go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasures in heaven.” Anthony obeyed, gave his money to the poor, and became a hermit. He committed himself to fasting, prayer, and overcoming temptation through the Holy Spirit. He withdrew to the harsh Egyptian desert where he sheltered in an abandoned Roman fort. At first, Anthony refused to be a spiritual guide, but he relented when a community of pilgrims began making their home in the caves around him. Anthony’s isolation was not an attempt to avoid the danger of martyrdom. He regularly traveled into civilization to visit Christians who had been imprisoned for their faith, putting his own life at great risk. Anthony lived to be 105 years old, a time period that saw the brutal persecutions of the Roman Empire, the legalization of Christianity, and the Council of Nicaea. As an old man, Anthony urged many to listen to Bishop Athanasius’ defense of Trinitarian, Nicene doctrine and to ignore the teachings of Arian clergy. Athanasius wrote “The Life of Anthony,” inspiring many ancient Christians to hold Anthony as an example of devotion to Christ. Anthony’s fame spread throughout the world to such an extent that Emperor Constantine wrote Anthony a letter. “Do not be astonished if an emperor writes to us,” said Anthony. “For he is a man; but rather wonder that God wrote the Law for men and has spoken to us through His Son.”
O God, your blessed Son became poor for our sake, and chose the Cross over the kingdoms of this world: Deliver us from an inordinate love of worldly things, that we, inspired by the devotion of your servant Anthony, may seek you with singleness of heart, behold your glory by faith, and attain to the riches of your everlasting kingdom, where we shall be united with our Savior Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
#anthonyofegypt #ourchurchspeaks #saint