Christian Giving
Without an appreciation of generosity there is no Christianity. So, as creatures made to reflect the nature of God, the Bible calls the followers of Christ to be generous. Christian giving is at the heart of Christian living.
The Church invites all members and visitors to consider how God wants each one of us to discover afresh the joy of being a “cheerful giver"
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We can give of our money: to help those less fortunate than ourselves, to promote the Good News of Jesus Christ throughout the world, and to support our own local church.
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Ways to Give
Although the Parish Giving Scheme offers the most advantages, there are other methods of giving to the Parish, including:
Cheque or BACS. Unlike cash (see below), these methods identify you as the payer and, if you complete a Gift Aid Declaration form, we can increase the value of your gift by 25%.
Our bank account details:
Account Name: Parish of Buxted and Hadlow Down PCC
Sort Code: 40 - 45 - 32
Account Number: 11454064
Gift Aid Envelopes. There are yellow envelopes in each church for use by casual visitors or regular worshippers. By you completing the name, address and amount fields, allows us to claim the gift aid on your donation. No separate gift aid declaration form is needed.
Cash in the collection bag. Whilst we still welcome this, cash obviously requires sorting, counting, logging and banking, which creates extra work and carries more risk than the other methods.
Standing Order. Although nearly all our standing order donors have agreed to switch to PGS, we recognise that this is still a possible method of giving. If this is the only method you are prepared to accept, please use our Contact Us form to contact the Parish Treasurer, Justin Roberts.
Payroll Giving. If you are in employment and your employer offers such a scheme, this is a tax-effective way of giving to the Parish.
If you are not a tax payer, the Government Gift Aid Small Donations Scheme enables us to reclaim a 25% Gift Aid "top-up" on a cash donation of £30 or less without the need for the donor to complete a Gift Aid Declaration.*
* This is currently subject to a total donations limit of £8,000 per church per tax year.
Parish Giving Scheme

This is the Church of England’s preferred scheme for giving to the parish. Gifts can be regular or one-off.
PGS now operates in 31 dioceses nationally, with over 61,000 donors in 3,709 parishes. Our parish joined in 2012 and has over 50 donors, but we are seeking for more parishioners to join the scheme, to confirm their commitment to the parish.
The scheme enables you to:
Make one-off or regular donations
Give monthly, quarterly or annually by Direct Debit
Sign up to inflation linked giving annually, if you choose
Enhance your gift to the parish by having Gift Aid at 25% added to your giving
Give anonymously, if you prefer
Give securely
There are three ways in which you can set up a Direct Debit to give regularly to the church or parish:
Via paper 'Gift Form' – available from your PGS parish representative
Via the PGS telephone service on 0333 002 1260, Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm
Via the PGS Website
If you would like more information:
Please ask any church officer
Send a messsage using our Contact Us form or
Go directly to the Parish Giving Scheme's website.
Where there's a Will there's a help God!
Legacies are a fundamental part of our Christian giving; leaving a gift in one’s Will is one of the most valuable and lasting ways to give thanks to God for the gifts of life and indeed a lifetime. Once provision has been made for loved ones, there is an opportunity to make a lasting gift to God, by leaving a legacy to support the Parish, to help to keep it alive and to continue its mission and ministry in the local community into the future.
Anyone who is considering leaving a legacy is welcome to talk to the Rector in confidence about the sorts of purposes their gift might fund, and how/if they would like their gift to be acknowledged. To send a message to the Rector, please click here.
To access information on the Church of England website about leaving a legacy, please click on the logo below.
Food Donations
Please continue to make a special point of supporting families in need through our food collections, which will be passed to our local diocesan Family Support Worker.
Please look for the box in each church, where food items can be left. These should be non-perishable items of general use to an ordinary family.